
Get Involved: Volunteer with the Foundation

The Foundation always welcomes new volunteers! Help us fulfill our mission of ensuring no one is left to cope with these conditions alone. If you have been affected by GBS, CIDP, or a variant, then you understand how important it is to have access to information and support. Our volunteers are key members of the Foundation team, and are invaluable in helping the Foundation support patients and their families. There are a variety of ways for you to get involved, and we are happy to work with you to find a role that best suits your interests.

Currently Seeking Volunteers in Europe

  • Volunteers in Europe to be “points of contact” for new patients and caregivers in the GBS|CIDP community. POCs are available for supportive conversation and to organize online or in-person local chapter meetings.
  • Volunteers to submit “patient and caregiver stories in Europe” regarding their journey with GBS|CIDP.

Please submit this form if you are interested in volunteering.

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